
Wine brand

Wine brand

1. The grapes are harvested and the winemaking process begins in autumn and from November 15 to March 31, spirits must be distilled.

2. From April 1, the years of aging of spirits in oak casks are counted. The casks should preferably be from a Limuzen or Trons.

3. In the territory of province of Cognac the production of the brandy is prohibited, as well as the use of various substances, in particular caramel (to give color).

4. Only a wine brandy made from grapes grown in the province of Cognac, juiced, vinified, distilled and aged and then bottled may be called Cognac.

5. No one in the world has the right to write the word cognac in Latin letters on their bottle and put it on the international market for sale.

The Latin symbols on the label of the cognac bottle give us information about the aging of the cognac.

V.S. - Not less than 2 years

V.S.O.P – Not less than 4 years

VVSOP - Not less than 5 years

X.O. - Not less than 10 years.

The distilling apparatus, which is made of copper - is called Alambic Charente (the word Lambiki comes from the Arabic language, moved to Greek, then French and means vine - Alambic). The obtained spirits are poured into oak casks for aging, then transferred to older casks and years later to even older casks.

Affected advice:

They do not drink cognac! It is tasted in small sips. One serving of cognac in a bar is 50 ml and it is advisable that the guest does not drink in one sip, but should be consumed in small sips for 40 minutes to an hour.

Caesar to Caesar and God - God!

20 million bottles a year!

We are not mistaken:

Twenty million bottles is the "angels' share", this is the number of brandys that disappear from the casks and bottles every year, however, it is this "loss" that creates the appropriate food environment for microscopic fungi, thanks to which brand-filled cellars are part of these "angels" , which also affects the taste of this divine liquid and the storage conditions.

Beverage Trading Company
China Huaming International Investment Corporation
Saperavi Brothers